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Algerien – Wirtschaftliche Diversifizierung


Interview mit Nor-Eddine Aouam, Botschafter von Algerien


Algerischer Botschafter Nor-Eddine Aouam

Algerien will sich vom reinen Importland zum Land innovativer Produktion wandeln. Dazu ist Umdenken in beträchtlichem Ausmaß erforderlich beim Weg von der derzeitigen Planwirtschaft zur zukünftigen Marktwirtschaft.

Deutschland nimmt hinter Frankreich, USA, Spanien und China den fünften Rang bei den Handelspartnern Algeriens ein. Der deutsche Markt in Algerien, das siebenmal so groß ist wie Deutschland und 37 Mio. Einwohner hat, ist stabil. Die neue Strategie Algeriens ist eine Kehrtwende um 180 Grad, denn die bisherige Strategie lautete, nichts im Land zu produzieren, sondern alles zu importieren – von Tomatenmark über Fahrstühle bis zum Papier, z. B. für die Vielzahl der im Land erscheinenden Tageszeitungen. Für deutsche Unternehmer eröffnen sich vielfältige Möglichkeiten, denn es stehen z. B. an:  Bau von 2,4 Mio. Wohnungen, 1.200 km Autobahn, Ausbau von U/S-Bahnlinien, Bau von Krankenhäusern und Mega-Projekten in den Bereichen Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaft, wobei Umwelttechnologie und erneuerbare Energien eine große Rolle spielen.
Im größten Land Afrikas, das zu 98 % von seinen Öl- und Gasexporten lebt, gehen die Öl- und Gasvorräte so schnell nicht zur Neige – Sonatrach, das staatliche Ölunternehmen vermeldet regelmäßig weitere Funde. Allein im 1. Halbjahr 2014 wurden sieben neue Ölquellen und 6 neue Gasvorkommen um die Hassi Messaoud Felder, in den Tälern von Berkine, Illizi und Oued Mya sowie im Tal von Gourara, im Südwesten des Landes, entdeckt. Der Warenverkehr in den Häfen Algeriens ist im gleichen Zeitraum um über 4 Prozent gestiegen. Der neue 5-Jahres-Investionsplan soll dazu dienen, die Wirtschaft zu diversifizieren und somit unabhängiger von Öl und Gas zu gestalten. Algerien präsentiert sich als interessantes Land für Investoren.

Nor-Eddin Aouam, Botschafter von Algerien wirbt bei einer Veranstaltung am 15. September 2014 in der Handelskammer Hamburg  für sein Land. Diplomatisch appelliert er an die guten Beziehungen Deutschlands mit Algerien und sieht gute Möglichkeiten für vielfältige Kooperation, wobei Projekte, die in die Regierungspolitik passen sowie Technologie- und Wissenstransfer eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Im Anschluss an diese Veranstaltung, zu der 100 algerische Unternehmer zu Gesprächen mit deutschen Geschäftsleuten angereist waren, stellte die Autorin dieses Beitrags dem Botschafter vier Fragen, die wie folgt am 25. September 2014 in der algerischen Botschaft in Berlin beantwortet wurden:
Frage 1: What will be necessary to really chance Algeria from a pure “import country” to a “production country”?

Antwort: It is worth noting that the orientation towards a productive economy is a priority of the Authorities in my country. Efforts have already been made, from the very beginning, for the implementation of a policy which combines improving national productive device but also contributes to the diversification of our exports, based almost exclusively on oil.
It is clear, therefore, that the Algerian market is big enough to continue to import but is best able to accommodate local and foreign investment, in an international economic context, it must be remembered, marked by recurrent crises.
This public economic policy that I have just raised promotes both Algerian operators and foreign partners.

For the year 2014, as an illustration, the Algerian Government provides, in its Action Plan, the revitalization of the national productive sector with the support of international partners, mastering technology with proven expertise in the fields of management and marketing.

I think that, like other foreign countries, the German partner has its place in this ambitious project whose the guidelines are :

- the promotion of domestic production through improving business competitiveness and product quality ;

- the support for valorisation of natural resources promoting sectors using the comparative advantages in energy and natural resources, such as activities of cement, phosphate, steel, fertilizers and metal construction ;

- the enhancement of the industrial potential through the implementation of modernization plans and development of public economic enterprises which funds have already been made.

The Government has also decided the strategic redeployment of the industrial public sector, through the establishment of large efficient and competitive industrial groups in growth sectors, always, and I stress this, in partnership with global leaders mastering the technology and markets.

Other measures include further consolidation of the process of public-private partnership (domestic and foreign) and the promotion of economic activities based on knowledge, through specific development programs and assistance to start up launched, especially by young graduates by the support of capital investment enterprises.

It is clear that the act of producing is at the center of economic public policy in Algeria, especially since the Algerian economy has manufacturing bases that can accept and further prosper partnership projects.

Success story exist. If we stick only to the latest developments, we can note the SNVI Rouiba plant (Est Algiers) from which emerged in April 2014, the first truck Daimler-Mercedes-Benz assembled in Algeria, a result of Algerian-German-UAE partnership.

Supporting the development of SMEs and encouraging their integration into the activities of outsourcing, modernization of industrial enterprises in fields such as energy efficiency, construction materials and process, automotive industry and the promotion of the drug and medical device industry, are among other instruments that Algeria is implementing to move slowly but surely towards a productive economy.

Frage 2: Do you think this process will end up successfully – why and when?

Antwort: I am convinced, at least optimistic, about the success chances of this process.

You ask me why? Let me tell you that the context and conditions currently in Algeria foster, for sure, the policy of import substitution.
I stressed that it is extremely favorable context precisely under the dynamics of development in Algeria, after various mutations, reforms and stability restored, thanks to the development plans initiated by the President of the Republic, Abdelaziz Bouteflika.
I want to emphasize, in this regard, numerous economic stimulus and public investment programs undertaken over the past fifteen years by the Algerian Government, for a total cost of approximately $ 350 billion, plus the next five-year public investment Plan (2015-2019) with a budget of $ 262 billion.

I also spoke about the conditions, given the performing economic indicators of my country, moreover, confirmed by the International Multilateral Institutions, particularly those of Breton Woods.

A positive growth, an external debt which is less than 2% GDP against 23%, on average, for the whole MENA region, foreign exchange reserves of $ 200 billion (covering 03 years of imports), confirm the good health of our economy and the performance of its indicators.

Moreover, the Algerian market is known for the availability of its labor, natural resources including energy ones and infrastructures (transport network, logistics) that are close to regional and international markets. I would add that domestic consumption is growing. Indeed, Algeria has the largest GDP / capita in the Maghreb ($ 6000).

So I can tell you that in light of the above, the best conditions are in place to reinforce and diversify, hopefully soon, our productive economy. This is not only an ambition but a wide-range of actions already taken on the ground.

Frage 3: Are there plans in the embassy to bring German businessmen to Algeria?

Antwort: Of course, the Embassy of Algeria in Berlin is working, in collaboration with many German and Algerian partners, to promote the Algeria destination through many actions, such as :

- organizing Fora on economic sectors targeted in Algeria. ;

- setting business relationship to generate the commitment of the German partner in investment projects and partnerships planned in Algeria.
Let me tell you, in this regard, that the Algerian diplomatic mission issued, only from Berlin in 2013, a thousand business visas to German nationals.

- support for outreach activities organized by German agencies towards local economic firms.

Frage 4: Will there be similar events like the one in Hamburg in the future?

Antwort: As I said earlier, the Embassy is working to expand these activities in Germany and to facilitate its organization in Algeria, at the same time.

With serious partners such as the German-Arab Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Ghorfa), the Association of the Near and Middle East (NUMOV) and many other organizations, we intend to work, obviously, for the promotion of the investment opportunities in Algeria.

This is, naturally, not only financial resources, but rather a set of strengths and comparative advantages that Algerian market holds and that we’re promoting.

I take this opportunity to emphasize the importance of expanding our vision so that the Algerian economy is not only perceived as a single export market. We want to reach a productive investment, creating jobs, generating technology transfer and benefit from German experience in international standard training.

With a traditional partner like Germany, to whom Algeria is linked by coordination and cooperation mechanisms, such as the Joint Economic Committee, we can achieve this goal.

I remain optimistic about the sustained evolution of Algerian-German relations that are marked by friendship and mutual respect. They are supported by a dynamic that leads daily by notable achievements and I stress that we believe in strong and lasting partnership beneficial to all parties.

Text und Foto: Barbara Schumacher



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