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Articles of Association

The Articles of Association of the German-Arab Association in its current version of June 14th, 2013.

The Association is registered as the GERMAN-ARAB ASSOCIATION e.V. in the registry of associations in Berlin.

In accordance with tax law the association pursues goals which are exclusively in the public interest and of charitable nature. It is a non-profit organization and does not seek direct financial benefit for itself.

It is the intention of the association to promote the understanding between nations, the advancement of development aid, and the promotion of charitable causes; all in accordance with § 53 AO.


The association pursues the following goals:


a. encourage German-Arab friendship;
b. inform citizens of the Arab world and the Federal Republic of Germany objectively and adaquately about issues, problems, events and developments, that are of interest to both;
c. promote and deepen relations in the fields of culture, science and research;
d. promote and intensify relations with particular emphasis on projects of development assistance between the Arab countries and the Federal Republic of Germany;
e. provide support for Arabs residing in Germany;
f. assisting people in need, particularly in the Arab countries; in support of this goal the German Arab Association tries to make medication and monetary donations available.


The following measures serve to realize the aforementioned goals:
the publication of an information service; exhibitions; educational tours; lecture series; consultation and assistance regarding trade and industry in conjunction with development assistance projects.
The association strives to foster good contacts with the Arab League, with diplomatic representations of the Arab states, and with other institutions in the Federal Republic of Germany.

Both individuals and legal entities can become members of the association. Membership in organizations whose principles contradict with those of the association is incompatible with membership in the German-Arab Association. Decisions of admission are made by the executive committee. The membership ceases upon resignation of the member, possible at the conclusion of the calender year by a written declaration addressed to the executive committee, dissolution of the association, expulsion (requiring the unanimity of the executive committee) or when dues for the past year are in arrears. A formal appeal is possible and must be registered within one month with the general assembly of members. Individuals, who have made exceptional contributions to the welfare or goals of the association can be designated honorary members. This honor is bestowed by the executive committee, informing the general assembly at the next annual meeting.

1. The objectives of the association are financed by membership dues, donations and grants.
2. Membership dues are set by the general assembly of members. Dues are assessed for a calender year. The amount paid by honorary members and members of the executive committee is voluntary. Dues for students, apprentices, retirees etc. are lower.
3. The treasure keeps an account of income and expenditures.
4. Payment orders require the signature of the treasurer and another person designated in §7 Paragraph 1. As an exception, payment orders up to the sum of € 5000 need the signature of the president, treasurer or general secretary only.
5. The resources of the association can only be used for objectives in compliance with the articles of association. Members cannot be beneficiaries of allocations of the association; nor can one profit from expenditures, which are contrary to the objectives of the association. Disproportionate and excessive compensation is not to be tolerated.
6. The executive committee of the association is to be held responsible for maintaining the congruence of the association’s character with the regulations of the tax authorities.
7. The fiscal year of the association corresponds to the calender year.

The Executive Committee
The Advisory Board
The General Assembly of Members


1. The committee, pursuant to sec. 26 German Civil Code (BGB) consists of the following members of the association:
a. the president
b. the vice-president
c. the General secretary (Managing member of the committee)
d. the treasurer
2. The executive committee is composed of at least five members.
3. In both judicial and non-judicial matters, the association is represented by 3 members of the executive committee.
After consulting the General Secretary and the treasurer, the president and the vice-president are responsible for the administration and distribution of the association’s resources.
Decisions of the committee require a simple majority
The committee is quorate, when at least three members of the committee are present.The participation via telephone is deemed as attendance.
The executive committee functions on an honary basis.
It can assign  persons with specific tasks or areas of responsibility and  is able to appoint regional representatives.
4.The members of the executive committee, in accordance with (1.) a-d, are elected by the general assembly for a period of 3 years, upon petition of at least 10% of the members in attendance in secret and separate ballots. A member is elected once he receives an absolute majority. By the third ballot a simple majority (plurality) suffices, has an absolute majority not been reached previously.
At the end of the statuable curatorship of the elected executive committee it remains based on the disposition of these articles as long in its place until a new executive committee is commissioned.
5. The Secretary General is the supervisor of the employees in the coordination office. He is responsible for the execution of the action program. His function is voluntary.
He receives a lump-sum operating cost of at least 500 € per month which the Secretary General can refrain from until 31st of December of each year. Extraordinary expenditures will be compensated.
For the employment of a general manager a resolution of the Executive Committee is required.


The advisory board advises the executive committee on the implementation of its programs and on all matters regarding German-Arab relations. All ambassadors of the Arab countries in Germany, are members of the advisory board. In addition, the executive committee chooses such individuals, who are especially able to advance the objectives of the association, to serve as members of the advisory board. The president of the advisory board has to be invited to every board meeting.


In secret elections the executive committee can appoint members with distinguished  support and special contributions to the association to honorary president. An honorary president advises the executive committee and is invited to its Meetings.

1.The scheduled General Assembly of Members is convened annually by the Executive Committee of the association.
2.An extraordinary meeting of the General Assembly of Members must be convened, if the petition has the support of at least 15% of all members (the petition requires a written justification).
3.Members are to be invited and provided with a detailed agenda within a period of three weeks (date of postmark is valid or mailing date).
4. If the executive committee proposes to change the articles of the association, the appropriate texts have to be added to the invitation or transfered within the same period of time.
5.The invitation to the Members General Assembly must be in writing, however, it can be sent by E-mail.
6.To constitute a quorum at least 50 members must be attendant or represented throug delegation of their right to vote.
7.Each member has one vote provided that the membership until the meeting of the General Assembly exists since at least 30 days and that the membership dues for the current fiscal year were transfered to the bank account of the German Arab Association.
8.It is possible to authorize another member to vote on one’s behalf. A member in attendance can only represent one absent member and must posses a written authorization or power of attourney.
9.The meeting of the General Assembly is opened after the rules of order by the President or, if not able to attend, by the vice-president or the Secretary General. The required quorum must be established and a chair of the meeting must be elected to lead the General Assembly. Also a recording secretary must be elected who is responsible for the protocol.
10.Only items detailed in the agenda of the general meeting as well as clear and written petitions which reached the executive committee no later than eight days before the members general assembly, can be discussed or passed as resolutions. An exception is made, if resolutions are passed by a simple majority.
11.The following can only be resolved by the members general assembly:
a.the election of the members of the executive committee;
b.the approval of the budget and acceptance of the report of the executive committee;
c.amendments to the articles of association;
d.the election of two financial auditors and one deputy;
e.the dissolution of the association.
12.All decisions of the general assembly, unless otherwise regulated by law or the articles of association, will be determined by a simple majority (plurality). Proposed amendments of the articles of association or motions relating to the dissolution of the association require a 2/3 majority of the voting delegates.
13.All decisions of the members general assembly are to be recorded by the secretary in a  transcript of the proceedings and are to be signed by the chair of the general assembly and by the secretary.

Amendation is possible, as long as it does not conflict with the essential character of the association as a non-profit organization.
The dissolution of the association can only be resolved by a 2/3 majority of votes of the general assembly.
In case of dissolution, cancellation and discontinuation of the associational non-profitable character, being the basis for its tax privileges, the assets of the association will be transferred to the “Carl Duisberg Centren gemeinnützige Gesellschaft mbH”, which may use them only for charitable and other purposes in connection with public welfare.
The executive committee is authorized to modify the articles of association, which, for formal reasons, may be required by the registry of associations

The financial auditors in accordance with § 11d of the articles of association, have both the right and the duty to perform an audit in consultance with the treasurer. The examination is possible at any time, but has to occur at least annually and in appropriate time before the next scheduled members general assembly.
The financial auditors are to keep a written record of their audit and provide the executive committee and the general assembly with a full and truthful presentation.

Place and court of jurisdiction is Berlin.

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